Technology and creative genius will defeat climate change
By understanding the problem and available solutions concisely, we can engineer simple solutions that prevent climate change and protect society.
schedule a chatClimate change is a problem but fortunately various reasonable solutions exist
Concisely, with more carbon in the air, temperature patterns change in turn changing weather and agricultural conditions - otherwise causing famine, economic depression, widespread displacement, resource war(s), and otherwise unacceptable catastrophic scenarios.
Consumption management agreements
Countries agree to produce less carbon over a specified timeline and in turn deliver on means such as taxes, credits, or e.g. shortened factory work weeks.
Alternative energy technologies
The way for society to continue to function free of limitation is to develop and deploy green energy alternatives like solar, wind, nuclear, and fusion.
Widespread carbon sequestration
Turning back the clock on runaway warming may require actually removing carbon from the atmosphere, a process known as sequestration.
Emergency terraforming (probably not that)
Solutions such as deploying chemicals into the stratosphere to change reflectivity are solutions but not widely considered reasonable.
From among these solutions, our expertise is primarily in the math & statistical + computational modelling of large-scale engineered climate, technology, and/or biological systems.
For example, modelling the utility of alternative bio-engineered carbon sequestration crops.
An advanced mathematical toolkit for understanding climate change
By obtaining the right data, we can easily know things about the problem and possible solutions that yields further improved solutions.
Bespoke physical modelling
We can work with you to design custom statistical physics models for your problem area including both weather and technology systems, for example to further improve temperature scenarios or interactions with deployed (e.g. solar) technology.
Remote climate sensing
One of our most significant areas of strength is in understanding sensor time-series such as derived from remote climate sensing satellites - a key starting point in the process of understanding the climate and weather situation.
Monte Carlo scenario estimates
Hard-to-estimate probability distributions can be estimated by obtaining a large number of outcome samples from process models - for example, estimating newly changing temperature change scenarios.
Better clustering and anomaly detection
Creative and bespoke dimensionality reduction algorithms that best serve your problem - for example extended traditionally flat approaches to include measures of statistical confidence and hierarchical organization.
Rapid prototyping
Our prototyping tool set permits us to move from problem to prototype solution far more rapidly than when working with alternative technologies.
Schedule a chat >>Accelerated and distributed implementations
Our implementation approach is highly amenable to translation into GPU- and FPGA-optimized processing including in distributed forms.
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Safe and sound
People like us will find ways to solve climate change rather easily - simply by having creative ideas and applying the right computational tools.
Forecast carbon and weather scenarios; apply policy; make energy clean; sequester excess carbon.